Saturday, May 21, 2011


The tour will end in a week (what?! It ISN’T never-ending?!) and with this reality comes a whole set of fears.
I am worried about what will happen when I return home, wherever that may be.
For example, when I wake up in the mornings, will I immediately-- without knowing--walk down, up, or across to the ground floor of wherever I am and look for the free breakfast?  Will my stomach yearn for a baguette, butter and instant coffee (the staples of a nutritious breakfast)?
Will I be very interested in stealing food, hiding slices of cheese or green apples in my purse and jacket pockets, to save a little money and gain a little lunch?
Will I continue to believe that I am invisible and inaudible and not censor my language, lower my volume, or keep from pointing because I am confident that no one knows what I am saying or doing?
Will I understand that it may be less excusable to wear the same clothes three days in a row or realize that discovering new ways to layer the same few articles of clothing may not be looked upon with admiration?
And a big one-  Will I know how to speak English?
Like many other cast members I had grandiose ideas of learning French on tour (oddly none of us thought much of learning German.)  Yet sadly it turns out that learning French in such an international setting (that being the show) is pretty hard.  Not only that, but keeping up with proper English is equally difficult.  Broken English is the show speak.
It is for that that I say me, and propose at you, can I will to speak English when I arrive home?  I write now some common show speak/things I learn from my friends of the show:
It’s for that (Because of that)
I say me  (I said to myself)
Do you laugh of me?  (Are you laughing at me?)
Are you killing me?  ( Are you kidding me?)
Take one glass (Get a drink)
Up up (a little buzzed)
Up up up (drunk)
Up up up up (full on drunk)
I propose at you  (I suggest)
Full Power! (100% effort)
Yeeeep! (a sound effect that describes anything and everything.  “I woke up to my alarm going ‘Yep, yep, yep!’ and I was like, ‘Yep.” Then I brushed my teeth and my toothbrush was like ‘Yeeeeep.’”)
For sure...followed by anything.  (For sure we can skate after the show.  For sure the soup today is mushroom soup.)
Baracks Obama (Barack Obama)
Thanks God (Thank God)
I refuse! (No thank you)
Green hair (Grass)
Little red boy (Santa Claus)
What do you prefer? (What would you like to do?)
Toes (Teeth)
Teeth (Toes)
What day are we? (What day is it?)
So, it’s for that that I worry.  


  1. Missing things - yes you will miss the bread! No you will not miss wearing clothes for 3 days. You wont miss stealing food because you will be able to plan your meals. I think you will miss your friends just as we missed you and Brent! Cant wait to see you on the 3rd! Charlotte

  2. Kim, you now talk like Charlie writes on "It's Always Sunny..."

    "Hello fellow American. This you should vote me. I leave power. Good. Thank you, thank you. If you vote me, I'm hot. What? Taxes, they'll be lower... son. The Democratic vote is the right thing to do Philadelphia, so do."
